Support Type: Work Attachment, Upskilling, Career Conversion
Career Conversion Programmes (CCPs) help companies in Singapore meet their manpower needs by reskilling mid-career new hires and existing employees for growth jobs in demand. Companies in Singapore can tap on CCPs to reskill mid-career new hires or workers with up to 90% salary support.
Long-term unemployed or mature jobseekers aged 40 and above are eligible for higher funding support. WSG offers CCPs in around 30 sectors to support companies in reskilling mid-career individuals to take on new job roles with good longer term prospects and opportunities.
There are 3 modes of CCPs:
1. Place-and-Train: companies hire jobseekers and put the individuals through on-the-job training (OJT) or industry-recognised training to take on a new growth job role.
2. Attach-and-Train: companies act as host employers to provide jobseekers with training and work attachments, in growth job roles where there are good prospects for placement.
3. Job Redesign (JR) Reskilling: companies can send any existing employee for reskilling to take on new or redesigned job roles aligned with Industry Transformation Maps/Jobs Transformation Maps.
Growth jobs roles are emerging or good job opportunities with long-term prospects for progression, identified in each sector in response to how the industry is expected to transform over time.
Find out more about CCP here.
Eligibility Criteria
- Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Minimum 21 years old
- Graduated or completed National Service for at least 2 years
- New job role trained for under the CCP should be substantially different from previous job role(s)*, hence requiring reskilling for career conversion
- Able to commit to full-time employment or attachment in a participating company
* CCPs are geared towards helping mid-career individuals acquire skills to change careers. Hence, there is a requirement for career conversion when mid-career individuals undergo a CCP. However, individuals who have a continuous employment gap of at least 2 years prior to CCP commencement will be allowed to apply for CCP job roles similar to their previous jobs.